20 September 2012

Representation and Sterotypes

Represation is
  1. how something is portrayed
  2. using something to represent something else.
  3. The way media present a reality.
  4. Something that can be created in any/all of the folowing;
   Dress-codes; editing; voice-over; text; colours; camera angles; mise-en-scene; what's not included, the order in which something is placed.
The place , person, group of people, or event has already exists so the media are rerepresenting it to the audience.
Does suggest that the media present images/ideas over and over againover and over again so much that they become normal.

Representation is always:



Is a generalisation of a group of people which is an exaggeration and an assumption.
It's a way of making sense of the world. the media use it because we instantly know what a character is going to be if for example they are blonde; so they don't have to have to create a complicated back story for the character.
Dyer- 1977
Sterotypers have the power - the insiders - who make sterotypes of the outsiders, the sterotypes are negative?
The poweful can be sterotyped by others. Sterotype often have a kernel of truth, they aren't real/right but they help to represent the the real.
Helps to show the inequalitiesin society. People need to categorise to be able to make sense of the world.