8 October 2012

Camera Angles and Movement

Establishing shot

Camera far away from subject. Lots of background showing the location.

Long shot

Camera far enough away to see the whole character and part of the background

Medium shot

Camera shows only from the waist-up, with some background


Head and somethimes the tops of the shoulders. used to high-light an important object or to show emotion.

Extreme close-up

Focuses on 1 object in the mise-en-scene/an element of the face.

Point of View shot

Camera positioned so the audience sees through the eyes of a character. (Breaks the 4th wall.)


Seeing what a character may see but this time not from their POV, often the audience is an invisible observer.

Low angle

Camera lower than eye-level looking up. Shows that the character(s) in the shot is/are more important , or a higher authority.

High angle

 Camera is higher than eye-level looking down the character(s) who will normally be weaker or less important.

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